Accreditation |
The basic procedure for accreditation of the RE generation project shall cover following steps:
The applicant shall apply for Accreditation on the Web Based Application and shall also submit the same information in physical form with the State Agency.The application for accreditation shall contain (i) owners details, (ii) operator details (in case the owner and operator are different legal entities), (iii) Generating Station details, (iv) Connectivity details with concerned licensee (STU/DISCOM), (v) metering details, (vi) Statutory Clearance details, (vii) Undertaking of not having entered into PPA on preferential tariff for the capacity for which participation in REC.An application for availing accreditation shall be made by the generating company to the host State Agency, as defined under Clause 2(1) (n) of the CERC REC Regulations. The applicant shall apply for Accreditation on the Web Based Application and shall also submit the same information in physical form with the State Agency.The application for accreditation shall contain (i) owners details, (ii) operator details (in case the owner and operator are different legal entities), (iii) Generating Station details, (iv) Connectivity details with concerned licensee (STU/DISCOM), (v) metering details, (vi) Statutory Clearance details, (vii) Undertaking of not having entered into PPA on preferential tariff for the capacity for which participation in REC scheme is sought as per the CERC REC Regulations and (viii) any other relevant information as per the enclosed format (FORMAT- 1.1 : Application for Accreditation of RE Generation Project). In case, the Applicant has multiple RE generation projects then, separate Applications will have to be submitted by the Applicant for each RE generation project. Accreditation of each RE generation project shall be carried out separately. The RE Generation Project shall comply with the requirements of Connectivity standards for Grid Connectivity at particular injection voltage/grid interface point as specified by State Transmission Utility or concerned Distribution Licensee, as the case may be. The Application made for accreditation of RE generation project shall be accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee and accreditation charges (one time and annual, if any) as determined by the Appropriate State Electricity Regulatory Commission from time to time.
STEP 2: The State Agency shall assign a unique acknowledgement number to the Applicant for each application for accreditation of its RE generation project, for any future correspondence.
STEP 3:After receipt of application in physical form for accreditation, the State Agency shall conduct a preliminary scrutiny to ensure Application Form is complete in all respect along with necessary documents and applicable processing fees and accreditation charges. The State Agency shall undertake
preliminary scrutiny of the Application within 5 working days from date of receipt of such Application.
STEP 4: After conducting the preliminary scrutiny, the State Agency shall intimate in writing to the Applicant for submission of any further information, if necessary, to further consider the application for accreditation or reject application. The reasons for rejecting the application for accreditation shall be recorded and intimated to Applicant in writing within 2 working days from date of receipt of the completed application by State Agency.
STEP 5:While considering any application for accreditation of RE generation
project, the State Agency shall verify and ascertain availability of following information:
- Undertaking of 'Availability of Land' in possession for setting up generating station
- Power Evacuation Arrangement permission letter from the host State Transmission Utility or the concerned Distribution Licensee, as the case may be
- Confirmation of Metering Arrangement and Metering Location
- Date of Commissioning of RE project for existing eligible RE Project or Proposed Date of Commissioning for new RE for accreditation
- Undertaking regarding Off-take/Power Purchase Agreement
- Proposed Model and Make for critical equipment (say, WTG, STG, PV Module) for the RE Project. Confirmation of compliance of critical equipment with relevant applicable IEC or CEA Standards
- Undertaking for compliance with the usage of fossil fuel criteria as specified by MNRE
- Details of application processing fees/accreditation charges
STEP 6: The State Agency, after duly inspecting/verifying conditions
elaborated in Step 5, shall grant 'Certificate for Accreditation' to the
concerned Applicant for the proposed RE Generation project and assign a
specific project code number to that effect which shall be used by the such
Applicant (Eligible Entities) for all future correspondence with the State
Agency. The process of accreditation shall normally be completed within 30
days from date of receipt of complete information by State Agency. In case
accreditation is not granted at this stage, the reasons for rejecting the
application for accreditation shall be recorded and intimated to Applicant in
STEP 7: If accreditation is granted, the State Agency shall also intimate accreditation of particular RE generation project to the following entities,
- The Central Agency, as defined under Clause 2(1) (b)
- The host State Load Despatch Center
- The distribution company in whose area the proposed RE generation project would be located.